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People are talking

Vital MTB

"We believe the concept is fundamentally sound, and it provides a true performance advantage both on climbs and on descents. Adding support and pushing your effective seat tube angle forward for climbing makes all the sense in the world, and gaining clearance around the back of the saddle on the way back down is equally beneficial."

Josh Harris, DPT aka Dr J MTB

"Now I still have the same forward trunk lean but I feel like I no longer have that insane amount of pressure on my perineal area I'm bearing much better weight through those ischial tuberosities or the sit bones but I feel like I'm just in a much more naturally forward position like you would want to be in while you're climbing your bike."

Loam Wolf

Nose-down climbing is an absolute pleasure on ultra-steep climbs, too. But in reality, I don’t tend to subject myself to that kind of suffering on an analogue bike too frequently. This is where my biggest revelation about the SwitchGrade quickly came into fruition – it’s an eMTB’ers dream. Seriously. When you’ve got that assistance at your toe-tips, you find yourself picking out the steepest and most tech climbs to get up the hill faster and make best use of the motor, and the SwitchGrade is a serious asset to improving comfort and control on the bike in these situations."


"Matt said the downward tilt was such an advantage on steep climbs that he really missed it when returning to a regular fixed saddle: "like the first time you tried a dropper post - you don't know what you're missing until it's taken away. The ability to tilt the saddle nose upwards for descending is another advantage; it effectively increases the dropper travel by moving the tail of the saddle further out of the way, and it reduces the risk of catching your nether regions on the saddle hull."

EMTB Forums

"Basically - AMAZING! I don't need to say anymore. Don't try one or you WILL want one!!"

Leo Kast

German YouTuber

"I also felt that the climb position was even more beneficial on an e-bike where it’s possible to ride up even steeper the trails. In short, the steeper the climb, the more the Switchgrade helped out."

Bike Magazin (Germany)

"Gerade in steilen Rampen bringt das kleine Bauteil echte Vorteile, entlastet den Rücken und bringt Druck auf das Vorderrad. Ein Gewinn, nicht nur für E-Bikes."

Bike Gear Database

"In climbing mode, the SwitchGrade keeps you high above the bike with your weight above the bottom bracket. Being in this position gives you more power on the pedal stroke as you are pushing down, instead of being behind the bike and pushing forward. This also puts a lot more weight and traction on the rear tire, which keeps you moving up and forward easily."


"What I discovered in running the SwitchGrade in the nose-down climb mode is that there are steep climbs where it's not just more comfortable but I feel I have more power as well."

"I ride with multiple folks for whom this could be the best upgrade to their riding experience since dropper posts themselves."

MTB-News (Germany)

"Man muss sich durch den exzellenten Popo-Support nicht mehr so nach vorn an den Lenker ziehen, sondern sitzt entspannt."


"All body types will benefit from the improved ergonomics when climbing and feel less vulnerable with a seat in a friendly, positive angle while descending."

"The functional gains and compatibility of the SwitchGrade are huge talking points that are backed by solid performance."

Canadian MTB

The SwitchGrade EVO has found fans among pro riders like Brett Tippie, Brett Rheeder and Hannah Bergemann. But Noel isn’t stopping there. “We’re laser-focused on radical ideas,” he says. “We’re not interested in making ‘just another product.’ We want to solve real problems for riders.”

Bike Radar

One of the biggest advancements in mountain bike design has to be the dropper post, with the ability to move your seat out of the way – helping you control the bike better.

Aenomaly’s SwitchGrade builds on that theory, enabling you to change the angle of the saddle via a lever on its underside.

Mountain Biking Tube (Italian)

"How I found myself. Right from the very first outing, the advantages in the saddle, even on technical trails, were immediately recognizable.
The position of the saddle with the tip tilted -10 degrees downwards greatly promoted the relief of the pelvic area, even with a saddle I already feel comfortable on. The weight is concentrated on the bones of the buttocks and highlights how wrong the neutral saddle angle is for climbs,
where you sometimes also get that unpleasant feeling of sliding backwards."

Based on 388 reviews
SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Anabelle Bolanos
Beautiful little gadget

The switch grade is a great looking little device. It’s CNC’d beautifully and looks fantastic, well built. Installation is fairly straightforward, the hardware is good quality. I run a 29r frame with mix wheels, the slack seat tube left me wanting some seat angle adjustment and this thing fit my needs quite well.

Is this for ultra cyclists?

Absolutely! I sometimes find myself grinding up several 10 mile 5-7% grades over 100+ mile rides and having the ability to easily change my saddle angle has significantly reduced pressure on the the front of the saddle and improves performance and outlook on life while completing century plus days!

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Ines Leario

Ordering process was perfect as well as the delivery. SwitchGrade is easy to install, and the general quality is excellent. Operation becomes second nature after the first couple of rides. Climbing for a long time is much more comfortable. I need longer climbs to see if my backache is gone or not, though.
Well done!

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Michael Herrmann
Eine neue Erfahrung

Es gibt Dinge welche man nicht vermisst, bis man das erste mal von ihnen hört.
Und ich habe davon gehört, es geordert und möchte es nicht mehr hergeben. Steilere Bergauf Passagen sind damit viel angenehmer zu fahren. Man sitzt durch die Umstellung des Sattels wesentlich aufrechter, was nicht nur angenehmer ist, sondern auch für mehr druck in die Pedale sorgt beim Bergauffahren.
Für die Bergabfahrt benötige es nicht, dank versengbarer Sattelstütze. Aber da nutze ich es gerne mal auf der geraden, um einfach ein wenig anders zu sitzen.
Ja das ganze ist nicht günstig incl. Zoll nach Deutschland, aber was tut man nicht alles für das Hobby und einen besseren Komfort. Und ein Blickfang ist man auch noch, wenn man den Sattel umstellt, da es noch so gut wie niemand kennt ;)

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Donovan Francis
Six Stars

Install is straightforward, adjustment is easy to make, swapping saddles is even easier now. Makes climbing feel like I’m on flat ground, 100% worth it

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Christian Köhler
Great Product

Good Quality

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Eduardo De La Rosa

Great product

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Justin Denton

Really does improve the enjoyment of riding and the construction and finish are first class. If I could offer a suggestion for future versions it would be great if the lever tapered at the front so it doesn’t interfere with saddle rails. I’ve had to run my saddle a tiny bit further forward than I’d like because the lever touches the rails under the nose.

Simply bad ass

Took me a bit to find the correct way to install it based on my post and seat. But now it’s dialed and I wouldn’t go back to normal seat position this thing has decreased my climbing times by great deal and the downs are even better with more consistent feel

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Peter Labudda
Top 👍

It aroused enthusiasm from the very first tour. It has never been so pleasant to ride up a slope and the workmanship is really first class 👍

The SwitchGrade is awesome. Beautifully crafted. Thank you

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Kevin Smith

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Jace Biendara
Solid product

Build quality is excellent and easy to install. Really like the neutral setting for long relatively flat rides. Haven’t noticed a big difference in the downhill position, but I don’t do extreme downhill stuff. I do notice the improvement using the climbing position. Can be a bit tricky moving from climbing to neutral and not jumping all the way to downhill while moving, but sure that will come with more use. Overall, very satisfied with purchase.

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Ralf Paproth
Nie mehr ohne

Habe es auch für mein 2tes Bike bestellt weil ich nicht mehr ohne die Berge hoch fahren möchte mehr Kraft in den Beinen und nichts schläft mehr ein !

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Sylvain Taro
Review from France

Very happy on quality of this product, high level of machining. I run my Switchgrade on a fat bike which is aimed at climb everywhere in every condition, so it makes sense increasing comfort while climbing thanks to Aenomaly product !

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Alexandre Delaunay
Très efficace

Parfait pour bien placer son poids sur le vélo dans les montées tout en gardant le dos droit comme sur le plat , j'aurais dû mal à revenir en arrière

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Derek Foster
Great idea, but too much tilt for most climbs, and too hard to switch

It's a great innovation with lots of promise (hence 4 stars) but not perfect yet. On extremely steep climbs - ones that I'd normally have to walk - it provides phenomenal levels of power and traction. But for 95% of climbs in the UK (or 95% of any given long climb), 10 degrees of tilt is way too much - worse than 0 degrees. (Same goes for descending, which usually includes some flatter pedally sections, but that doesn't matter so much with a dropper post.) It is also hard to switch while riding on steep/rough ground, so I can't just tilt it for the short sections of a climb/descent where it would be beneficial. I would love to see a version with about 5 degree increments between the positions (which would allow 2 climbing positions, 2 descending positions, or one of each), and/or an easier way of switching (e.g. a bar remote). Also, with my saddle (Reform Tantalus) the lever fouls the rails if I slide it back more than half way, so I have to run the saddle further forward than I'd like, which exacerbates the tilt issue. I'll try a different saddle, but a lever that is both longer and lower might help with compatibility issues and make switching easier. I look forward to future versions of the Switchgrade!

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Frederik Dobslaw

With a shorter post, because of my size, it’s a super nice Feature to get my sattle a little lower and great more room to move my body over the bike! Perfect finish and clean look!
Also the delivery was super fast and without any issues!

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
mario malfettani

pratica e si adatta meglio sui percorsi conosciuti con lunghe salite - su su e giù sufficiente la sola regolazione del telescopico mantenendo la sella orizzontale

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Jeremie Zeller
Awesome product!

The third one and still fucking happy with it 😍

Game changer

I couldn’t believe how much this device changed my sensations going uphill!!

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Skyler Williams
Expensive for a small bit, but a very nice feature.

I have a switch grade on multiple bikes now, so evidently I love the added comfort and power. I live in a place where the trails are mostly straight up and straight down, and a switch grade makes a big difference on a 2500’ loose climb where my butt needs to be on the saddle. The quality of machining and performance is exceptional, I’ve never had it stick or wiggle. If you have the money for a bougie bike part, this is a good one to get. I recommend to everyone.

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Mykola Malyshenko
Amazing! Would purchase again

Installed on specialized status 140, that eventually steepend seat tube for climbing, and dropped seat for descent.

With simple change I was able to clear some of the challenges on local trails, have better bike for fraction of coast of new frame.

Product robust, looks slick and installation was super simple

Would recommend anyone

The perfect climbing position

I’ve been looking at the switchgrade seat adjuster for a while, and was on the fence. Pulled the trigger after taking to another rider. After my first steep climb I was so happy with getting it. The biggest thing is the increase in stability when you climb, it’s almost like standing up but less effort, so you can grind longer.

SwitchGrade 2.0 EVO
Brandon Smith
Upgrade 2.0

This is my second switchgrade. Who doesn't appreciate incremental improvements? The second Gen is just that much more refined ( and the first gen was already great )


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